
FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST ONLY - $50 Head Shot Session


*************************It's $50 HEAD SHOTS WEEK!!************************* That's right. $50. (That's 80% off the regular price of $250) from NOW until the END OF AUGUST.





Headshots Flyer Specials1



Head shots are great for actors (film, theater, commercials...)

But ALSO for:

-musicians -business people -linked-in profiles -dating profiles -facebook profiles -models -showing off a new hairstyle -because your kids are growing up so fast -fun!



It's $50 for 1.5 hrs, in the studio (in Draper) or outdoors. I will send you a proofs gallery and you get your favorite 5 files, completely retouched.


  *****BONUS!***** If you sign up with a friend and do your sessions at the same time, you get a 6th file - a fun photo of both of you together.

  When you are ready to schedule. or if you have questions, comments, or concerns, then text, email, or call me:




_______________________________ Whitney 801.874.7383 _______________________________



Remember, the $50 deal is only good from now until the end of August. One more week!







STOCK PHOTOS - Snowboarding


Another stock photoshoot!  Brighton Ski Resort, snowboarding.  It was such a perfect day, we took jackets off for a couple of the runs.




The model: Rob Bennion.  He is actually a DJ and saxophone player as well as the owner a talent agency, but today he was our snowboarder!  I love it when people have multiple interests in their lives!  Rob is a very positive person and always loves being outside.  When we saw how sunny it was, he was quite excited that he didn't need his winter coat.  It was a great positive energy to have around for the shoot.





And here are a couple behind-the-scenes shots of me taken with an iphone:




It was quite a challenge to board with the camera on my back!  And a little bit nerve-wracking to hold it on the ski lift.  So high up there...  one wrong move and Oops!






San Diego

  ...more from the California trip!  Justin and I arrived in San Diego and had a couple hours to kill before the photo shoot was scheduled, so we went to  Point Loma, some kind of cool historical overlook.  I found a lighthouse, which for some reason is always exciting to me.  I'm never quite sure what I'll do with photos like this, but at least it's pretttty :)



On our way back down, we were trying to find access to a beach somewhere and figured we'd turn left at the next spot since the water was... somewhere over in that direction.  (I discovered I've been really spoiled with Utah's directions... you can always see the mountains and know that that's East.  From there I can figure it out, but in California I was getting really turned around!)  Back to the story though, apparently the next left turn was into some Naval base!  I was "greeted" by a suspicious and heavily armed Navy guard wanting to know exactly why we were turning in there and what we wanted.  I tried to assure him that we were just tourists looking for the beach!  But it took a little while before he was convinced.  Maybe it was all the camera gear that made him nervous, I'm not sure, but I sure was intimidated!  After that, we gave up on trying to find a beach and found a very small park to sit and wait instead.






And then Jeremy showed up, the man that made this trip happen.  I met Jeremy back in December on the cruise with Jasmine.  Just for kicks, here he is wiping out on the simulated surfing back then:




Jeremy had 2 reasons for the photos in California.  The first was head shots of him: personal, approachable, and authentic.  Sure, he wanted a new Facebook profile (who doesn't?) but primarily, he wanted these for his efforts in the cause for childhood cancer.  Jeremy spends a lot of his time working with kids with cancer and I've loved the opportunity to see that perspective of learning about and giving time to a community and a cause.  I get so caught up in my own life, sometimes I forget how many people out there could use some help - or even just a smile.  Thanks Jeremy for that example!  You can read about what this means to him and look through the rest of his website here:  The second reason for the photos was business, and you can see those photos (with the San Diego skyline) tomorrow!  But for now, here's Jeremy.



Jeremy grew up in Denver, but has lived in San Diego for several years.  He chose all the locations for the photos on this trip, and I was impressed!  Today was at Sunset Cliffs.







The photo to the right here is what we call the "Jasmine" pose (named for my older sister).  Because she was there when I met Jeremy, we wanted to give a tribute to her.  She's always been more confident posing for the camera and she just has fun with it!  I would much prefer to be taking the pictures than to be in them, and Jeremy was also learning the art of being himself during the photoshoot.  It's always a challenge!  We often teach kids to smile and say "cheeeeeese" which turns into photos with cheesy smiles and shows very little of their personality, I prefer to see people laugh or find a genuine smile.  I'm glad we could take a que from Jasmine and have some fun with it.


(This is a flashback from 2010 to give you an idea of just how much fun she has...)



And back to Sunset Cliffs-


Jeremy always wears his "sTAY strong" bracelet, and he wrote a blog post about the story behind it here:






Dunford Family

  What's more fun that taking family photos with awesome hats and a GINORMOUS dog?  Taking them in a snowstorm that combines the last bit of fall colors with the blustery weather of Christmas!


The Dunford family was awesome to work with, and one of their dogs is seriously about as big as I am.  It was great!


And look how adorable little Caroline was!  Between the hat, the boots, and the little bit of 'tude she's showing, she is one of the cutest little girls I have ever seen!
I loved how colorful this shoot turned out, and how it didn't matter how cold it was or if it was snowing; this family was up for it!
Plus, a return to extreme adorableness.

Jasmine's Graduation Shoot

  I mentioned in a previous post that my sister Jasmine recently got her MBA from BYU.  She is moving in a couple of months to the Big Apple to start a job with Citigroup, which means that Thomas and I now have even MORE reason to plan a trip out there!  (we've been talking about going out there for a long time; both of us are big broadway junkies and like big cities with lots of things to do in them)


She graduated about a little over a month ago, but I finally got around to editing all of them and I figured I would share them with y'all.  She's gorgeous, she's successful, and she's going to take New York City by storm!


Can you believe both Thomas and I went to BYU and neither of us knew anything about this statue?  Apparently it's one of the places you MUST take photos if you're graduating from the Y.

Given that Jaz has pretty much lived in the Tanner Building (the Business School's building on campus), we headed on over there for some fun architectural elements.

I love you sis!  Congratulations!

Jasmine's off to the Big Apple!

My sister Jasmine is completing her MBA next month, and has accepted a job in NYC with Citigroup.  Thomas and I are super proud of her, and while we're sad that we won't get to hang out with her as often, we are pretty stoked that we have an awesome reason to go to New York now! :D

In preparation for her new job, we took a few minutes to get her company headshot done.


Some of you might remember Charlene, my very first bride. I shot her wedding a year and a half ago on February 13th (Friday the 13th!), and recently had the privilege to work with her again.

It so much fun to see my clients after they get married, as they grow as a family. Sometimes, they just grow and grow and grow and grow! These photos were taken just a couple of weeks before Charlene gave birth to her beautiful baby boy, Benton. I know you're all thinking "Did she give birth at five months? Was he premature?" Nope. A full-term baby, Benton was born after nine months. ....And his mom fit into size 0 jeans for her maternity shoot.

Charlene was asked to model for a maternity clothes company a few months before this. She jokes that she's the only person in the world who is a better model when she's pregnant. I'm secretly jealous- she's gorgeous!

Take a look at the entire gallery here.