More of my couples these days are bringing multiple choices of clothing to engagement shoots, and I couldn't be happier! When you've got 4 or 5 different shirts in different colors for the bride and groom, as well as a couple of formal outfit choices, it's a snap to get some wonderful combinations between the couple as well as coordinate the type of colors for the setting of the photo. Kandis and Greg brought an entire trunkful of clothes, and we probably got in 5 or 6 different outfits in the 2 hours or so that we were shooting.
These guys were so wonderful! They are so genuinely cheerful, nice, and pleasant to be around that Thomas and I immediately began plotting on how we could be friends with them. Thomas suggested holding their pictures hostage unless they came to dinner... I'm still considering it. :) They were happy to do anything and everything I needed: run around like crazy people to the different places we had planned, wade in a FREEZING cold stream, take photos in the middle of state street in downtown SLC, even climb up on the high ledge with no guardrail by the Capitol so that we could get that awesome skyline (at least until the cop came by and told us, yes, we had to climb down).