So often in the wedding business, we like to share the crazy stories. And sometimes that's fun. It is a crazy industry, after all.
Like the weekend we shot a wedding on Thursday, Friday and Saturday... and Saturday was in Portland.
Or The groom who broke his nose a week before the wedding. Makeup can fix black eyes, right?
The nephew who got overheated on a summer day and vomited at the beginning of the reception. He was much more comfortable and definitely in style after that!
The bride whose dress got stepped on after the ceremony and ripped. Of course she still remained composed and confident!
...the couples who forget to bring the marriage license, the 103 degree weather at Salt Lake, the 9 degree weather in Logan, the wedding day that was 14 hours long without a break, the cake that fell over, etc. It keeps life interesting, and these seem to be the stories we share.
But I've been thinking over the last week, and the reason I am a wedding photographer is not because of stories like these. I am motivated to keep working hard because of the amazing people I get to work with.
First, my husband. He takes care of most of the website, the contracts, and taxes. He holds lights, lifts me up on his shoulders to get a better angle, and helps with those all-nighters before bridal fairs. And he does all this as a second job. He has another full time job as a financial representative, but still comes home to work with me in the evenings and weekends. I couldn't do this without him.
Then, my mentors and teachers. I've been blessed with the opportunity to shadow and learn from several photographers throughout the years, but 4 have had the greatest impact.
1. My dad. A hobbyist, enthusiast, but appreciates photography, taught me business principles, and encouraged me as I started to work. Bought me my first camera for my birthday, gave me my first camera upgrade as a wedding present.

2. Scott Jarvie. He shot my wedding 3 years ago. He's been a good example of creativity and one of the reasons I was pushed towards weddings, not other types of photography. (The photos above from my wedding are taken by him)
3. Andy Barfuss. Not a photographer, but he taught an entrepreneurship class I took at BYU. Not someone I spent lots of time with, but a few things he taught had a significant impact on me. Among them are:
-The difference between marketing and advertising. Marketing is building a brand, and is a long term and never-ending process. Advertising is trying to find for clients/gigs immediately. Both are important, but serve different purposes.
-"If you are willing to work like no one else will for the first five years of your business, you can live like no one else can for the rest of your life."
4. Kenneth Linge. I took a couple classes with him on Photographing People and on learning the wedding business. Much of his advice has proved invaluable to my business and to my skill. He's extremely talented and creative, and he and his wife are wonderful people. I will always be grateful for the lessons learned from them.
I'm grateful to the interns I've had. Currently, it's Abby Alger holding the fort down. She is an amazing assistant and does a great job with her own business also!
Lastly, I'm grateful to my clients. I get to work with so many amazing couples. They are good examples, and I enjoy weddings because there is an emotion, a relationship. It's like a friend said on my Facebook wall "Your pictures make me believe in love again :)" And it's true. In a world filled with divorce and lack of commitment to each other, I feel so grateful to be here. To see the honeymoon stage, to see vows and commitment, to see two people happy to be together. Positive, supportive, and caring relationships. That's what I've been thinking about. I'm blessed in my career to spend it around happy people on an important day in their life as they promise to spend time and all eternity together. And I feel lucky.