A baseball love story...by Emily the Intern.

Danica and Ryan were a super cute and super fun couple. I arrived early so I had the opportunity to hang out with them for a few minutes before Whitney got to Provo and they seemed suuper shy. Danica even warned Whitney earlier in the week that she was going to have to work her magic with them and claimed that she and Ryan were going to be awkward. That couldn't have been further from the truth.

Here's the deal--if you're totally in love and could stare at each other for hours and love to laugh and have fun with each other, you're going look awesome in photographs. Having Whitney as your photographer helps, too. Not only was this a great shoot for me as a budding photographer, but it also helped me get some ideas of what poses I wanted for my own anniversary shoot that Whitney was doing for my husband and I a few weeks later.
We started off on Center St. in Provo and seriously, I love downtown. They've really improved it since I first moved here (five years ago as a freshman at BYU) and I love all the nook and cranny awesome and beautiful places you can find while walking around. It's also so fitting that we shot the engagements there, since these two met at a music show nearby.

Can I just tell you how much I love this shot shown above? One, I really love Danica's shoes... and maybe her skirt... and belt... and cardigan. Two, Whitney totally concocted this shot on a whim--this was just where Danica and Ryan made an outfit change and it was in-between locations. As they were changing Whitney scoped out the area and I could see her mind racing with ideas of poses. Three, I love the adorable-ness (yes, totally a word) of them holding hands underneath the table. It's like they were having a little moment and forgot we were even there.
And now for the finale. Little did I know, Ryan is a super devout baseball fan and a huge Boston Red Sox fan on top of that. Since my husband (whose name is also Ryan...confusing, I know) also loves baseball I asked him how big a fan he really was he said something like, 'Think of the biggest baseball fan you know. Now think of the biggest Red Sox fan. Put them together and I'm even more.' I wish I could remember his exact words, but he said something like that and he totally wasn't kidding. Even though my husband, Ryan, is at the top of his fantasy baseball team (whoop, whoop, haha) I would definitely have to agree that Danica's Ryan is the biggest baseball fan I know. And Danica's got a soft spot for the sport as well. She played softball in high school and as Whitney was suggesting poses--like, having Ryan show Danica how to hold a bat--she quickly tossed the suggestion out. She could totally hold her own and knew how to hold a bat thank-you-very-much. So they're totally a perfect matched and it showed.

Congrats on being awesome, Danica and Ryan!