The interior of the reception center at Millennial Falls was outstanding. If you are planning a wedding in Salt Lake County near Draper, you may want to check them out. It's apparently all-inclusive, so they took care of the catering, the cake, flowers, and even did an ice sculpture for Tara and Chris.

The cake was gorgeous, and I loved the ballroom that they had it in. Don't you look at the photo on the left and just sort of say to yourself, "wow"?

I may be a sucker for beautiful wood floors, but exquisite stone tile and gorgeous reflections aren't bad either.

I kind of want an ice sculture now. A big one, with my face on it. Maybe we can squeeze in Thomas there somewhere, but mostly me. :)

Chris and Tara gave out these custom decks of cards as favors, and so I had to steal a deck for a couple of photos....

However after seeing me set up the last shot, Chris and Tara's friends suggested a small substitution that might be more fitting.

Final installment of the big party and this awesome night to come. Chris and Tara certainly knew how to get down with their bad selves on the dance floor, so we'll have some fun pictures to share with y'all.