Katie and Steven were married in the LDS Oquirrh Mountain Temple on a beautifully sunny but COLD November day. They also had quite the experience the day before their wedding. Here's the story in Katie's own words:
"Tuesday was supposedly the biggest storm Utah's seen in a long time. I'll admit that around the point of the canyon it got pretty bad but Provo didn't even have snow stick. Steven received the scariest phone call of his entire life. The temple receptionist called to inform him that due to the storm the temple was going to be closed on Wednesday (our wedding day). He asked if they were joking. They said no and that all ordinances were canceled. His mind started racing of what to do, so he asked how much longer they were going to be open (trying to see if we could drive up that night and get married) and if he could make a couple calls then call them back. They said they were closing and Steven said "Well I was only planning on getting married tomorrow." The receptionist realized she had called the wrong person because she went on to apologize and informed us that the temple was closed for all ordinances except for our wedding. Scariest phone call EVER! The wedding was great! Yes, I cried. How can you not cry as you look at the person who is making your dreams come true. The sealing room was packed full of people we love. Then we went outside to take pictures. I have never been more cold in my entire life! But I think the pictures turned out great!"
I loved the shoes. Loved them!