Park City

When Autumn Leaves Start to Fall





Love is in the air!  As a photographer, there is never a season that makes me more excited than just at the end of summer with the first hint of fall.  The sun is shining and there are speckles of yellows and oranges up in Park City.  A perfect day for an engagement shoot.










I love this sequence below!  No, this is not the photo they would put on their announcement, but these are the photos that show life, relationship - MOMENTS.


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And the shoes, of course :)


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Now, we actually had an audience for the Park City Main Street photos.  A group stood behind me trying to figure out how the lights were working and how we could get a decent photo when it was so dark, and another group cheered when they dipped in the middle.  I think it's always fun - and Geoffrey and Lauren seem to be perfect models, they can handle the paparazzi, the attention - makes my job easy!





Inspiration - A Winter Night in Park City


It can be easy for me to get stuck in a routine - get the camera gear ready, shoot a wedding, hope I got everything the clients needed, then spend hours at the computer editing the photos.  Please don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my job - I love the variety of people I get to meet, I love the emotions I get to capture - to freeze a moment forever.  I love how beautiful the world is.  Nature, people, buildings, light, all of it.  And I have an amazing career of showing people how I see the world.  Showing how beautiful the world is.  But still, photography is a business to me.  I'm working for clients, and even though I love it, it's still work.  Hard work.  So I am generally less inclined to pick up the camera unless I'm getting a paycheck.



A recent debate in my life is whether photography is art.  For me, the answer has been no.  I feel like I capture what is already there when I take photos, whereas music or other artistic pursuits in my life are creating something internally and finding a medium to communicate it externally.   However, I received quite a compliment this week.  And this helped me rethink my approach.  There was a comment on one of my photos that said: "...You have such an amazing eye. I'm one of those people who's always sort of thought that photography wasn't really 'art' but seeing some of the truly astonishing photos you've posted, has changed my mind. You really have a gift for framing scenes in a way that shows others the beauty in the world, which we might not see on our own."  Wow...   That one comment gave so much purpose to what I do.  It's beautiful.



Then I have a day like today.  Today, I saw the beauty of the seasons changing from Fall to Winter.  And I couldn't help myself... I pulled over on the side of the highway, put my camera on the car, and started taking photos.  It was inspiring to breathe the fresh, crisp air, to photograph a scene I knew (the famous Park City barn) in a new light.







It was simply beautiful.





And this is what I want the world to see.  There were dozens and dozens of cars that drove past me while I was taking these photos.  None of them stopped to see what I saw, and that's ok.  They were on their way to whatever night life was going on, or maybe headed home after a long work day. I don't know that any of the drivers were even aware that there were mountains with a beautiful field and snow covered barn... it was quite dark.  But I wanted to yell "The world is a beautiful place!  Open your eyes!"







The 30 second version of the rest of my night - I met a pleasant crowd of people at a karaoke bar on Main St, sang several songs, then walked through the beautiful night in an area of Park City I had never been.  Inspired by beauty.  The people, the nature, the air, the energy, the little stream, the way the leaves sat on the pathway, the way the light hit that wall... I believe with all my heart that there is beauty everywhere we look.  If we are willing to look for it.








And now, goodnight!!  Sweet dreams to all.






Britney and Taylor - Engagements in Park City

Engagement sessions are often my favorite.  There's something fascinating about meeting clients in Park City and getting to know them through the process of the photo session.  I've often gone to dinner with the bride to sign a contract, but we don't really get to know each other (and I've usually never even met the groom) until I pull out the camera.  So, here on Park City main St, I have a record of how I got to know Britney and Taylor.

These two have such contagious smiles, every time I look at this photo, I can't help but smile also!

Nicole & Blake: Park City Engagement Photos

  Nicole and Blake drove down from Rexburg, ID where they both attend BYU for our engagement photo session.  We managed to get a beautiful and sunny day- even if it was a little windy and only about 20 degrees outside. :D  These two were awesome to work with!






Weren't Nicole's shoes cute?





I love shooting the historic old white barn in Park City.  It's such a landmark, and has some fantastic advantages if you are looking for different "nature" shots.  There's a great field, stream, some nice fence lines and this awesome historic farmhouse all in the same location.







Check out their full gallery here!  There are a lot more awesome photos of these two....




Park City Engagements: Alicia & Craig

  Alicia and Craig were looking for a natural, more "prairie-ish"  setting, so we started out the shoot on the outskirts of Park City right by the McPolin barn.  The white barn is a Park City landmark, and it's got some wonderful fences and tall, wispy grasses.





Afterwards we headed to Park City itself to get some engagement photos around Main Street.  There were some fantastic fall colors still around, and Main Street always has some great lights around the buildings so we can get some awesome night shots.






I kinda fell in love with this Bistro.  It was so cute!




Gotta love that golden hue you can get with the right kind of lights in the background. I always feel a little more at home in Park City too.  It's got a feel a lot more similar to my hometown Austin than other parts of Utah I have been to.  Artsy, fun, and full of friendly people.



Check out their full Park City gallery here.  We actually did three different engagement shoots with these two, so stay tuned for photos from the other two days!





Tara and Chris Pt 2

As promised, here are some of the finished set from Tara and Chris' engagement session in Park City. I love working with these two- they both are so sweet and are happy to do whatever it takes to get the photo. Even if it means wading through a hip-deep snow drift to get to the fence! :)





Kelsey and Brandon

Park City is one of my absolute favorite places to shoot, and Kelsey and Brandon have been some of the most awesome clients to work with!

Take a look at the full gallery for Kelsey and Brandon here.

Mike + Marie: The Big Show

Marie bought these beautiful shoes below for the wedding, but cracked her tibia shortly before their formals session.  So she ended up wearing the much more comfortable option above. :D

Something I really enjoy attending a wedding is seeing the relationship between the parents and their child.  Marie's parents were wonderful, and super supportive throughout the wedding.  Marie's dad was cracking jokes the whole time.