Winter Wedding

Salt Lake Temple Wedding- Kelsey & Brandon

Kelsey and Brandon were fabulous clients!  They were excited and willing to do whatever it took to get great wedding photography.  They are the kind of people who take the time to tell you, on their own wedding day, how fabulous you look all dressed up.  

Kelsey and Brandon met up in Idaho- Kelsey was working as a nanny for a family and Brandon worked washing windows.  One day Kelsey looked out the kitchen window and saw Brandon and that, as they say, was that.  They rapidly found out how awesome the other person was, and we fast forward to today!


Just look how happy they are strolling out the doors of the temple!

The Temple grounds looked unreal with this light sprinkling of snow- it was absolutely gorgeous!!

Love this next one- just a quiet moment with their happiness.

The best thing in the world is when your bride and groom are just beaming at each other.

Want to see more or order a print?  Be sure and take a look at all of Kelsey and Brandon's different galleries here.