La Caille

Will You Marry Me?

(note from Whitney - as I started writing this blog post, it felt like an illustrated children's book.  So I went with it!  My commentary may seem a little bit different than usual...)  





A beautiful room, upstairs at La Caille,  Geoffrey anxiously waits for Lauren to arrive.  She thinks she is there for a tour of the reception venue, little does she know...






The first words out of her mouth were "What are you doing here?"  Which she repeated 3 times.  Geoffrey smiled, took her hand, and walked her over to the tv where they watched a movie he made.







Then there was dancing.







And she said yes!









She was definitely surprised!







And they were happy.







And excited.








Geoff and Lauren, Cheers!  Today is the first day of the rest of your life :)











Kara & Chris: Formals at La Caille and Temple Square

  Kara and Chris were married today!  What a fun couple to work with.



Chris hadn't seen Kara in her dress, so we arranged a first look for the first part of the formals session at La Caille.  I love doing formals, and LOVE getting to capture moments and expressions like this.  This little footbridge was perfect for the occasion.



La Caille has this awesome private drive going up to the main buildings paved with these stones and lined with these gorgeous trees.  The whole place is full of locations that just scream out "take a photo here!  take a photo here!"





We also got a couple of night shots at Temple Square to finish out the day.



And since they were married today, here's a sneak peek from the big day itself!