Utah Wedding Photographer

Will You Marry Me?

(note from Whitney - as I started writing this blog post, it felt like an illustrated children's book.  So I went with it!  My commentary may seem a little bit different than usual...)  





A beautiful room, upstairs at La Caille,  Geoffrey anxiously waits for Lauren to arrive.  She thinks she is there for a tour of the reception venue, little does she know...






The first words out of her mouth were "What are you doing here?"  Which she repeated 3 times.  Geoffrey smiled, took her hand, and walked her over to the tv where they watched a movie he made.







Then there was dancing.







And she said yes!









She was definitely surprised!







And they were happy.







And excited.








Geoff and Lauren, Cheers!  Today is the first day of the rest of your life :)











My Little Sister Gets Married


Angela and Dallin got married on a cold winter day at the Bountiful LDS temple.  Generally, photos are only taken outside the temple, but the Bountiful temple has a beautiful area downstairs that they allow photos for the cold weather times.  And I am so glad we had that option!  Poor girl, she was freezing.  Here they are symbolically walking away into their new life.  (Maybe a little cheesy, but I'm going to say it anyway!)





Now, Dallin grew up with all sisters and is an incredibly thoughtful person.  He actually surprised Angela with this beautiful necklace the day before their wedding.  So sweet!





As I mentioned, Dallin is the only boy in his family and as I've had the chance to get to know some of his sisters, I can't help but love them.  Such a positive, caring, supportive family.  And Angela fits right in.  My favorite photos of all the job I've done are always of people laughing.  I thought this one was a perfect moment:




There's always a big debate about having a family member photograph a wedding. I walked Angela through options of other photographers, looking at different styles, but she told me she's used to my photos and just likes my style.  So, I brought an assistant I trusted and had him take the photos I needed to be in.  Thanks Justin!  It was neat being part of both, but I don't think I could have relaxed enough to sit and watch someone else do the photography for hers.  I wanted to make sure it was done right and I wanted to be catching those moment.  She's beautiful, and they are so happy, and the photography needs to show it.  The balance between being part of the experience and working was surprisingly perfect for me.  Exhausting!  But definitely worth it.








Chelsea & Dan: LDS Draper Temple Wedding

  It's always a pleasure to shoot a fellow Austin-ite's wedding!  Chelsea is from my hometown back in Texas, and I was thrilled to be a part of their wedding day.

I love the look you can get with the pillars around the Draper Temple.... the effect is almost exactly like window-light gives.
Chelsea and Dan had some AMAZING details at their reception, so I think that will be the next post.  Chelsea's mom actually did the flowers for our wedding reception in Texas, and she went above and beyond for the flowers for Chelsea and Dan. They were absolutely unbelievable.  Be sure and check back in a bit to see them!

Just the Details

Erin and Todd's wedding had so many awesome details that it needed it's own post.

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Todd made the "love" bench below, the sign, and the table in the center photo! This guy has some amazing wood shop skills...

Erin and Todd

Erin and Todd at the Salt Lake City Temple- a perfect day.

I just noticed this part of temple square (below)-  I LOVE IT.

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